Saturday 24 October 2015

Ladakh, India - Part 1


HI! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

OK, sini ak nak crite pasal first trip ak ke Ladakh. Untuk sape yg tatau pasal Ladakh, sini ak bagi summary sikit pasal Ladakh.

  • Ladakh ("land of high passes") is a region in Jammu and Kashmir that currently extended from the Kuen Lun mountain range [3] to the main Great Himalayas to the south, inhabited by people of Indo-Aryan and Tibetan descent.[4][5] It is one of the most sparsely populated regions in Jammu and Kashmir and its culture and history are closely related to that of TibetThe largest town in Ladakh is Leh followed by Kargil. Almost half of Ladakhis are Shia Muslims and the rest are mostly Tibetan Buddhists.[10] Some Ladakhi activists have in recent times called for Ladakh to be constituted as a union territory because of perceived unfair treatment by Kashmir and Ladakh's cultural differences with predominantly Muslim Kashmir
When is the best time to visit Ladakh?
  • The best time to visit Ladakh is from June until September, the region’s summer season. At this time, Ladakh is an unparalleled paradise, with clear, stunning views and warm and sunny weather – the average temperature range during the day is about 20–30°C. Keen trekkers usually head to Ladakh during July and August, when the Manali-Leh and Srinagar-Leh highways are open to vehicles. That said, Ladakh is a land bound by two of the world’s highest mountain ranges – the Himalayas and Karakoram – anyone visiting Ladakh, even in the middle of summer, should be prepared for the sharp drop in temperatures at night.
OK, sekarang ak nk start crite pasal trip ak ke sana. Ak pegi dengan 3 org kawan ak. Including me, we are 3 girls and 1 boy. Trip from 30th May 2015 to 9 June 2015. Our route ; Delhi - Leh ( by flight ), Leh - Srinagar ( by road ), Srinagar - Delhi (by road) 

10 days trip to Leh, Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir

Day 1
  • Flight from KL to New Delhi by Malindo Air.             
  • Reached Delhi Airport, cuaca mmg sgt panas time tu, around 40 degree. Kitorang dah booked hotel near the airport, pegi hotel by taxi. Checked in Colonel's Retreat uuyu. Guesthouse ni memang cantik, kebetulan time ni room ade discount.
Me @ KLIA2
Our room at Colonel's Retreat Guesthouse
Day 2

- Morning flight from Delhi to Leh, Ladakh by GoAir
- Arrived Leh after one hour flight, took taxi from airport to Leh city ( taxi fare : 500 rps )
- Checked in Dorje Guesthouse (address: Zangsti, Upper Tukcha Road)
- Took a rest for high altitude acclimatization
- Applied permit for Pangong Tso and Nubra Valley ( permit cost 500rps per person) with Mount Breath travel agency ( PIC: Tsering, phone no.: +917298975212)

Ladakh memang sangat cantik. Ak rasa kat mane2 pon nampak cantik. Ambil je gamba kat mana pon semua gamba akan jadi cantik. It's like a heaven for a photographer.

Cuaca dekat Leh, walaupun summer tapi memang sejuk n guesthouse memang takde pakai heater. Summer pon macam ni punya sejuk padan la time winter boleh smpai -30 degree. Org Ladakh ni memang sgt friendly, bile jumpe je derang akan  tegur cakap "Juley", lebih kurang macam Hello la. Kitorang pon jumpe je sape, tegur je "Juley". Kebanyakan org dkt Leh boleh ckp English, makcik2 tue pon boleh je paham. Derang boleh ckp hindi jugak. Ak suke tgk muke org2 Ladakh ni, memang lain terus dari muke orang India yg kite biasa tgk. Sgt exotic muke derang ni. 

Untuk first day sampai Ladakh, sangatlah disarankan utk jangan aktif, jgn over excited, jgn lompat2, jgn lari2. Sebab Leh ni terletak di high altitude, so keberangkalian nak kena AMS, Acute Mountain Sickness sgt tinggi. Kitorang pon ambil langkah berjaga2 dgn amik pil utk AMS. Tambah2 sebab naik flight, takut badan terus terkejut sbb terus sampai tempat tinggi. Tapi memang rasa la AMS tu, cakap pon boleh penat. Naik tangga 2 tingkat dah termengah mengah gile. Sebab tu kene duduk diam2 je tgk permandangan cantik. Disarankan utk stay dekat Leh dalam 2 hari, lepas tu baru pergi tempat lain.

Nak pegi Leh ni ada 2 cara, sampai ada by road atau by flight. Kalau by road boleh gune Delhi-Manali-Leh road atau Delhi-Jammu-Srinagar-Kargil-Leh. Kitorang gune flight sbb masa tak cukup, kalau gune road 2 - 3 hari baru sampai. Time ni Manali - Leh road masih belum buka, sbb salji still penuh.

Sile la tgk gamba2 di bawah ni, ak memang suke Ladakh sbb tak rasa mcam dkt India pon. Tak serabut, tenang je. Org pon friendly je. Tourist dekat Ladakh ni yang ramai org local india sndri n western tourists. 

Restoran dekat Leh ni sume daging halal. So boleh la makan daging. Itu yg org sana bagitau. InsyaAllah tak tipu la kan..huhu..

Kalau nak shopping dkt Leh ni, banyak Tibet market.Selain dari  tu ade market name "Motti Market".  Jalan kaki je dari hotel. Kalau malas boleh naik taxi.Leh ni famous dkt cincin, rantai tangan yg batu2 tu, ak tatau la name batu ape, sbb ak tk berminat pon. Sile tgk gamba dkt bawah yer. Pashmina banyak jual kat sini, sebab sini byk Yak, bulu Yak tu la utk buat Pashmina. Ak mmg tak shopping, save duit la konon kan..

Kitorang plan nak pegi Nubra Valley & Pangong Tso (3 idiots scene), nak pegi tempat ni mmg kena ada permit. Dekat Leh town ni ade byk travel agency, so kitorang gune travel agency ni, dia akan buatkan permit dan arrange transport. Nak buat permit ambil masa satu hari, so the day after next day baru boleh pergi. So the next day akan jalan2 around Leh.
Delhi to Leh by Go Air 
Amazing view of Himalayas

Turun je flight, excited tengok cantiknyaaaa gunung n langit.....

On da way from aiport to Leh city
Leh, view from Dorje Guesthouse

Scenery from the guesthouse
Dorje guesthouse

Evening walk 

Ladakhi cute boy
Ladakh style coffee shop

with Ladakhi girl
Leh town, background snowcapped mountain
at Tibet market
Leh town 
Ladakh memang famous dengan Pashmina
Pashmina colour just same with my glove colour..;P
Our dinner, yummyy!! Momo ( macam dumpling) mesti wajib makan
Day 3

-Sightseeing around Leh; Hall of Fame, Magnetic Hill, Confluence of Indus Zanskar river, Stok Palace, Shanti Stupa ( cost : 2200 rps for one taxi, 7 seater )

Kitorang ambil pakej utk Sigtseing around Leh ni dgn travel agency yg sama dgn yg atas. Since just jalan2 dekat Leh, so ktorang just ambil Taxi yg macam van. Kalau pergi tempat yg jauh macam Nubra or Pangong, better amik Innova Taxi,lebih selamat.

Ni anak Dorge, owner Dorge Guesthouse

Angin kuat ni...

Hall of Fame

Hall of fame, lebih kurang macam museum

Magnetic Hill, kerete boleh gerak sendiri?
Zanskar River

Confluence of Indus and Zanskar river

Can u see the snowcapped mountain
Stok Palace

Stok Palace

Moon, me & Irfana

Lunch at Stok Palace

Rain drops & Snowcapped mouuntain

Wefie  @ Shanti Stupa

Day 4

- Heading to Nubra Valley ( 5-6 hours drive); Innova taxi cost to Nubra Valley, 3 days 2 night : 11500 rps
- Passed highest motorable pass Khardungla Pass, 18380 ft

- Overnight at Diskit - Sand Dunes Hotel

Jalan ke Nubra Valley ni agak mencabar, memang memanjat gunung tapi dengan kereta. Memang akan sampai ke snowcapped mountain. Altitude memang tinggi, so kena jaga2, Jgn sampai kena AMS. Banyakkan minum air.  Abg driver pulak bawa bukan main laju, tapi ak ok je. (─‿─) . Scenery sepanjang jalan memang cantik, rugilah kalau tido. Sambil tgk scenery, sambil dgr lagu hindustan dlm kereta. Memang feeling dlm cite Hindustan.

Ni mak Dorje, comel kan baju derang

On da way to Khardungla, dah start snowy

Dkt sini mmg byk camp tentera, sporting je Papaji ni

On da way, jalan mmg kecik, kalau ade kereta tersangkut, tersangkut la sume

On da way, lalu sungai biru yg sgt cantik, kitorang pon suruh driver stop kat sini

Clear sgt air

Comel kan

Diskit, Nubra Valley

Muslim Ladakhi

Diskit, small town in Nubra Valley, kitorang just bermalam dekat sini

Day 5

- Sightseeing around Nubra Valley - Diskit Monastery, Panamik Hotspring, Sumoor Nubra ( Double hump camel)

- Overnight at Olgok guesthouse, Hunder, Nubra Valley

Panamik Hotspring

At Panamik Hotspring, ade bathroom boleh mandi tapi air memang panas gile, setakat celup jari je boleh la

Diskit Monastery

Diskit Monastery
Ni  monk dekat monastery 

Sumoor Nubra, picnic dkt sungai

Double hump camels

Sand dune
Sand dune, angin memang kuat same ni, dah macam ribut pasir
Kids at Hunder village
We stayed at this guesthouse, Muslim owner

Hunder, Nubra Valley

With Olgok Guesthouse owner & staff

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